Building a BRIDGE for Social Reintegration Through a Human Trafficking Continuum of Care Network

Cherise Charleswell, MPH | September 23 | 2:50-3:20 PM

Topic: Programming, Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

There is much published research and advocacy by victim service providers about the unique needs and challenges that victims of human sex trafficking/commercial sexual exploitation face (Clawson, et. Al ASPE, 2008). It is imperative that those working in the field as service providers and/or advocates recognize that these social determinants of health serve as barriers for getting out of “The Life”, and also mirror the risk factors that led to a victim’s experience with exploitation; thus, requiring coordinated, multidisciplinary efforts to assist victims with social reintegration. Consideration of these factors and evaluations of client outcomes led Cherise to develop the BRIDGE program, designed to move one from Victim, to Survivor, and onward to Thriver. These interventions require far more than basic needs support, and should come with the understanding that the victim needs to be equipped to cope with, combat, and overcome factors in their communities that will not only stand in the way of their progress, but may lead them back into sex trafficking. This presentation will focus on discussing those factors (social determinants of health) and will briefly discuss how we can begin to mitigate them on a macro-level (policy, etc.). This presentation will hone in on how we can create more robust programs, work with partners, and provide more than a “warm hand off” in order to equip victims of sex trafficking with the education, skills, resilience, and continued support that they need to overcome these social challenges to have positive outcomes across the life course.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Explain what social determinants of health are and how they serve as barriers to social reintegration for victims of sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation

·  Describe how a continuum of care network should be established to serve the needs of human trafficking victims

·  Discuss best practices that should be incorporated when develop programming to address the specific needs of victims of human trafficking

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