Raised in Pimp City: The Truth About Domestic Human Sex Trafficking*

Armand King | September 23 | 11:30 AM-12:30 PM

Topic: Experience, Conceptual | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

After the ending of the crack era and the climax of gang activity in urban America, a new epidemic struck this nation hard. Between the years of 1998 and 2010, nearly 55% of the people Armand King grew up with in San Diego had either become a pimp or a prostitute. This includes himself and his best friends. In this presentation, attendees will follow the lives of individuals, both male and female, that were forced into the sex trade, not by enslavement and not at gunpoint but forced by the simple denial of the real “American Dream” and poor education. It is said that in order to get rid of a weed, you must take it out from its root. This session not only tells a story that's rarely told, but also brings the audience face-to-face with the root of what we call “Urban Domestic Human Sex Trafficking” so we can truly prevent and intervene the continued growth of this weed. The presentation will end with solutions and a call to action. Learn how to really view the subculture of pimping and prostitution in America.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe what led Armand and his friends into a lifestyle of sexual exploitation

·  Discuss how we prevent future generations from becoming victims

·  Explain what was learned as a result of this experience

*Trigger Warning: The content in this presentation may be triggering for some.

About the Presenter