The Landscape of Care for Victims of Domestic Human Trafficking

Jeanne L. Allert, MEd, MACM | September 24 | 3:00-4:00 PM

Topic: Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Housing remains the #1 most expressed need for survivors as communicated by law enforcement, victim advocates, and social service agencies. This session outlines the landscape of shelter programs available to survivors along with the types of services and postures of response available at different points in the survivor’s healing trajectory. The Samaritan Women has embarked on a significant national initiative to address the gap in residential care programs to meet the specialized needs of trafficking survivors. As of July 2020, The Samaritan Women-Institute for Shelter Care has identified 9 states with no residential shelter program and 6 states with just one service provider. Our goal is to establish 20 additional shelter programs and equip 24 existing providers over the next 5 years.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Outline the landscape of shelter care available to survivors of human trafficking in the United States

·  Provide research-based statistics on the national gap in services

·  Describe the Institute's plan for bridging the gap

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