From Analytics to Action: Leveraging Research and Analysis in the Fight Against Human Trafficking

David Corliss, PhD | September 24 | 1:30-2:30 PM

Topic: Programming, Research | Knowledge Level: Beginner

This presentation describes best practices for making the most effective use of data, statistics, analysis, and other research to support human trafficking programs. Both new and existing research and analysis on human trafficking can be a powerful tool to strengthen a wide variety of organizations and programs. These resources support programs through more accurate identification of victims and perpetrators, identifying the most effective practices and actions, developing supporting statistics for grant proposals, fostering data-driven decision making in your organization, and engaging with volunteer statisticians. Presented at an introductory level and designed for people without analytic experience, this presentation helps program leaders and volunteers make the most of research and analysis on human trafficking. Capabilities and best practices are illustrated using Polaris data summarized by state and year, available for public use on their website. These raw data will be used to demonstrate some of the different ways data and analytics can be applied for maximum impact. Examples include a non-technical overview of how these data were used to identify risk factors for human trafficking, a description of analytic decision making showing how these data are being used to advise on legislation, and creating charts and maps to tell how the risk of becoming a victim is higher in some places and situations. These examples will show how to move from analytics to action to help find victims, strengthen programs, and guide organizations in the fight against human trafficking.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe different kinds of research and analysis and how they can be used

·  Discuss best practices to partner with researchers to support your program

·  Illustrate some of the ways researchers can help, including managing data, new research, and help in developing grant proposals

·  Help program leaders, managers, and supporters become more data-driven in their decision making

About the Presenter