Meeting People Where They Are: Harm Reduction in Sex Trafficking Outreach and Direct Services

Christy Croft, MA | September 19 | 1:30-2:30 PM

Topic: Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Beginner, Intermediate | Location: Ingman Room

As many of us working tirelessly toward ending human trafficking begin to move from “rescue and restore” models of intervention into more holistic, trauma-informed, empowerment models emphasizing safety and self-determination, harm reduction principles become increasingly important for us to understand and incorporate into our work. Harm reduction in sex trafficking prevention starts from the position that any steps toward a person’s safety are worth making, allowing for incremental improvement toward safety and self-determination rather than holding out on “rescue” as our primary indicator of success. In this workshop, attendees will learn harm reduction principles, why they are needed in our work in sex trafficking prevention and response, and how to incorporate them into outreach, direct service programs, and policy.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Identify the 8 principles of harm reduction as outlined by the Harm Reduction Coalition

·  Translate these principles from use in addressing substance use disorders to sex trafficking policy and response

·  Name 5 ways these principles might lead to more effective policy, outreach, and direct service programming for survivors of sex trafficking

About the Presenter