Emerging Themes in Human Trafficking: An Extensive Review of Case Summaries

Frances Patmon, PhD, FNP-C & Kate Keown, MSN-Ed, RN | September 19 | 4:00-5:00 PM

Topic: Research, Healthcare | Knowledge Level: Intermediate, Advanced | Location: Room 2582

This presentation will present findings from an extensive review of 33 case studies of suspected victims of human trafficking. These case studies spanned three states over the course of two years. Each case study was analyzed by two research fellows to identify initial themes. A second review was conducted by two research scientists and consensus was obtained on the four themes. They include patient characteristics, trafficker characteristics, process improvement and point of entry. The research team has defined patient characteristics as any detail about the appearance, personality or behavior of the potential human trafficking victim. This is similar to the definition for the theme of trafficker characteristics. Process improvement is defined as characteristics that describe the overall process from the time patients presented to the hospital until they were discharged. These could include failure to identify potential human trafficking victims, gaps in following protocol, and opportunities for improvement in the overall care of the patient. Lastly, Port of Entry is defined as the location of first contact with the patient. These findings will be used to help improve the identification and care of the HT victim.  Additional research studies have been planned as a result of these qualitative study, including a comprehensive analysis of the medical treatment that HT victims received.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss the common themes that emerged from the reviewed case studies and their impact on further research inquiries

·  Identify criteria that could be used to build a template for future case study audits

·  Identify areas of success and opportunities for improvement in the overall care of potential HT victims

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