"I Am More": Overcoming Stereotypes

Kari Oberlin, BSW | September 19-20

Topic: Art | Knowledge Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced | Location: Room 2562

This art exhibit will consist of artwork from local high school students depicting how they are breaking stereotypes and living a life for their own truth and purpose, while rising above social stigma. Their pieces will not only tell their stories, but also be an example of how they use art to identify themselves and showcase the true potential of the talents they possess.

Exhibit Objectives:

·  Discuss how stereotypes are formed and broken in today's youth

·  Empower others to rise above the stereotypes that surround them

·  Show art through the artists’ eyes.

·  Showcase how art is used as a form of coping, learning, and strength

About the Exhibit Organizer

2019Anna Schrammart