Domestic Human Trafficking in Southern Brazil: A Pilot Study

R. Marie Dutra Gross, MA | September 20 | 4:00-5:00 PM

Topic: Research, International | Knowledge Level: Beginner, Intermediate | Location: Room 3020

According to the Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2018 (Kangaspunta et al., 2018), trafficking of domestic victims worldwide has nearly doubled since 2010 (p. 43). Moreover, the U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (2018) affirms that understanding the local context of human trafficking is critical for an appropriate response. Therefore, to advance the information collection of a local context of trafficking, this presentation of a pilot study conducted from April to July of 2019 in the Southern Brazilian state of Paraná, will present an outline of the findings. Through a descriptive phenomenological method using ethnographic tools, the research objective is to explore the lived experiences of survivors of domestic human trafficking in Paraná. The specific aims of the pilot study are: 1) to describe the lived experiences of domestically trafficked men, women and children in Brazil; 2) to identify factors that influence the trafficking, survivorship, and health and wellbeing of trafficking survivors; 3) to discover the meaning of wellbeing, doing well, and/or doing better than expected for survivors; 4) to assess measurement tools, logistics, and cultural and language tools; and 5) to gain access to participants through networking, collaborations and cooperation with professionals in the field. Participants will be provided with an introduction to the state, a slide presentation of the collected data, a preview of possible directions for further research development and a discussion period. Some other expected topics to be discussed will be challenges, obstacles, decision making, and positive experiences. This work is also attributed to the contributions of Rochelle Dalla, PhD and Paul Springer, PhD.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss findings of pilot study

·  Provide an introduction to the state of Parana in Brazil

·  Present a slide show of data collected

·  Discuss challenges, obstacles, decision making, and positive experiences

·  Discuss possible methods for continued research of domestic human trafficking in Brazil

·  Answer questions about the study

About the Presenter