Every Brilliant Thing – A Theatre Performance

Issue Box Theatre | September 19 & 20 @ 8:00-9:00 pm

Topic: Art | Knowledge Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced | Location: Recital Hall at University of Toledo’s Center for Performing Arts – 1919 W. Rocket Drive

Issue Box Theatre would like to invite all conference attendees to an evening of theatre by presenting Every Brilliant Thing “a play about depression and the lengths we will go for those we love.” This play, written by Duncan Macmillan, and developed by Jonny Donahoe is about a 7-year-old who creates a list of brilliant things to help their mother with her depression. The list starts after her first attempted suicide. Dad suggests mom has “done something stupid” but that doesn’t help the child understand what has happened. Through the hour-long solo performance, attendees will learn of the impact of depression and suicide on both family and the relationships that are formed. The brilliant list begins: 1) ice cream, 2) movies, 3) staying up past your bedtime and being allowed to watch TV, and 4) the color yellow. Though it sounds like a downer, attendees will be surprised at how often they laugh and relate to this inspiring performance. This is being presented in special arrangement with Dramatist Play Service, Inc. New York. Tickets available at www.issueboxtheatre.org.

Performance Objectives:

·  Discuss the impact of suicide and depression on family members

·  Explore the use of a specific coping mechanism in relation to depression and suicide

·  Present one person's story as they deal with their mother's suicidal attempts and completion

·  Explore the impact of mental health issues on survivors

·  Provide resources for those who relate to this story on a variety of levels

About the Theatre

2019Anna Schrammart