Municipal Implementation of Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts

Madeline Lohman, MALD | September 20 | 11:30 AM-12:30 PM

Topic: Legal, Law Enforcement | Knowledge Level: Beginner, Intermediate | Location: Room 2584

Minnesota has been steadily improving its response to human trafficking at the state level through increased criminal penalties for traffickers, a safe harbor law for minor victims of sex trafficking, funded services for trafficking victims, and protocol guidelines for responding to both sex and labor trafficking. Though counties and municipalities have improved their responses to human trafficking, the changes have been uneven. Minneapolis has begun investing in a comprehensive response to human trafficking across all city departments, an effort that coincides with new and proposed city ordinances on minimum wage, sick and safe leave, and wage theft. This focus on workplace justice provides an opening to incorporate best practices in addressing sex and labor trafficking throughout the city government. The process is two-fold. First, those departments already engaged in the statewide response to sex trafficking, such as the Minneapolis Police Department, will be encouraged to incorporate labor trafficking into their work. Second, those departments that do not yet have policies in place to address human trafficking will be trained on how to adopt new internal procedures to prevent and respond to both sex and labor trafficking. Worker-led organizations, trade unions, and survivor advisors will play a key role in the development and implementation of the response. This presentation will detail the history, process, and challenges and successes of Minneapolis’ implementation of anti-human trafficking policies. Minneapolis’ efforts can serve as a model for how other municipalities can expand anti-trafficking efforts beyond the traditional focus on sex trafficking and law enforcement agencies.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe the history and progress of Minnesota's response to human trafficking

·  Explore the best practices for municipal governments responding to human trafficking

·  Analyze the challenges and successes of implementation in Minneapolis

·  Apply lessons learned from Minneapolis to participants' own experiences and communities

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