What is the Expense of a Missed Opportunity? Measuring Meaningful Change in the Criminal Justice System

Larry Gold, Esq.; Daniel Huesman, MSW, LSW, LCDCIII; Samuel Hunter & Sean McNulty, Esq. | September 21 | 1:30-2:30 PM | Room 3010A

Topic: Programming, Legal | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

The Opportunity Project is an initiative through the Toledo Legal Aid Society designed to produce better outcomes for marginalized persons that are involved in the criminal justice system through earlier identification of client needs (alcohol/drug dependency; mental health issues; homelessness, etc.) and a more meaningful connection to appropriate services. The prime objectives of this project include: 1) Early identification of client needs; 2) Assistance in connecting/reconnecting with services; 3) Reduction in unnecessary use of jails (bond modification; identifying appropriate and less restrictive for alternatives to incarceration); 4) Provision of earlier opportunities for alternatives to prosecution (Diversion; Intervention in Lieu of Conviction); and 5) Production of better outcomes (Fewer felony convictions; Decreased recidivism).

Presentation Objectives:

·  Define the project including history, purpose, and target population.

·  Define the method and model being established.

·  Review the results thus far and potential implications/next steps.

About the Presenters