Romance and Manipulation

S.C. Doran, MSW, LSW | September 21 | 11:30 AM-12:30 PM | Room 3020

Topic: Conceptual | Knowledge Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Some of the messages conveyed to victims of intimate partner violence and human trafficking have parallels in popular culture’s toxic messages about love, relationships and romance. Particularly, concepts of romantic love associated with wanting someone, having someone, and belonging to someone (with jealousy equaling love) are presented in popular music, movies, and books as unproblematic, but their real effects are seen in the victim testimonies from people who have experienced intimate partner violence and sex trafficking.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Examine toxic discourses of romantic love in popular culture and their connection to domestic violence and/or sex trafficking.

·  Discuss whether these toxic discourses of romantic love make it harder for people to recognize and leave a violent relationship.

·  Explore how toxic ideas and language use surrounding romantic love can be recognized and challenged to create healthier relationship dialogues.

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