Beyond “Awareness”: Practical Application of the My Life My Choice Prevention Solution Model

Lisa Goldblatt Grace & Audrey Morrissey | September 21 | 9:00-10:00 AM | Room 2582

Topic: Programming | Knowledge Level: Intermediate, Advanced

It can be far too easy to see the commercial sexual exploitation of girls as an inevitable egregious form of child abuse, sewn deep into the fabric of our society. It is not. While there are multiple areas to address to ensure a safer, healthier upbringing for all girls, targeted strategies can be implemented to decrease the likelihood that commercial sexual exploitation, and the trauma and degradation associated with it, will be part of a young girl’s trajectory.  Over the past fifteen years, My Life My Choice (MLMC) has developed a survivor-led prevention model that includes the development of specialized policies and procedures as well as the integration of the MLMC Prevention Curriculum. Taking our Prevention Curriculum one step further, participants will have the opportunity to learn about this enhanced model and consider applying it to programs within their jurisdiction.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Identify the public health implications of the commercial sexual exploitation of children.

·  Explain the importance of creating specialized policies and procedures for exploited and high-risk youth, especially in congregate care settings.

·  Describe the MLMC Prevention Curriculum and identify appropriate participants for Prevention Groups.

About the Presenters