Occupational Alienation, Deprivation, and Imbalance: Restoring Life through Occupation and Client Centered Care

Miranda Tippie, MOT, OTR/L, QMHS, CDCA & JoDee Figueroa | September 20 | 9:00-10:00 AM | Room 3020

Topic: Healthcare, Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Intermediate, Advanced

Humans are occupational being with success being projected through diverse opportunities (Townsend & Wilcock, 2004). As a survivor of human trafficking, these opportunities are limited and often non-existent, resulting in an occupational injustice. A survivor along with an occupational therapist will share the role of the effects of occupational injustice, including alienation, deprivation, and imbalance. The most effective treatment for survivors of human trafficking include treatment involving but not limited to job placement, independent living skills, housing, basic needs being addressed and met, health education, educational opportunities, trauma specific treatment, social skills, and any other needed skill building areas in a persons’ life (Johnson, 2012).  These areas can be addressed by an occupational therapist from assessment to treatment as part of the team for a holistic approach to sustained success for survivors. Survivors of human trafficking benefit from skill development and, according to the occupational therapy practice framework, many areas fall into the scope of practice for occupational therapy, including but not limited to self-care, financial management, employment, meaningful activity, meal planning and preparation, community mobility, relationship development, problem solving, impulse control, and many other areas (American Occupational Therapy Association, 2014). Restoring life through occupations and client-centered care can provide a unique collaborative approach to the treatment team while exploring new skills and opportunities for survivors of human trafficking. In this session, attendees will learn about the impact that daily occupations have on everyday life and how to build these skills with individuals for success when going from survivor to thriver.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Identify potential occupational alienation, deprivation, and imbalances in survivors.

·  Discuss ways to include occupations into treatment.

·  Explore a holistic view on survivors and how occupational therapy can play a role on the treatment team

·  Share a survivor’s journey to becoming a thriver through building daily occupation skills.

About the Presenters