Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (SEA) in the Workplace

Lori Handrahan, PhD | September 20 | 2:45-3:45 PM | Room 2582

Topic: Conceptual | Knowledge Level: Advanced

NetClean, a company offering software that blocks and reports child sexual exploitation (SEA) on electronic networks, has established how frequently this crime occurs in workplace (Borgström, 2017). My research, in particular within higher education, has documented similar results (McKenzie, 2018). Institutions must take responsibility for monitoring their electronic infrastructures—as much a part of the workplace environment as the lunch room. No institution should allow the criminal activity of child sexual exploitation to occur within the workplace. This session provides case studies from law enforcement, the medical community, higher education, US government employees and the humanitarian sector on child sexual abuse and exploitation in the workplace.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Examine how pervasive child sexual abuse and exploitation (via the trade in images, videos and live-streaming) appears to be in the workplace.

·  Discuss how predators use their professional positions of power over vulnerable children to commit sexual abuse and exploitation crimes.

·  Propose ways for workplaces to take active measures, such as installing NetClean software and inviting law enforcement to perform clean-sweeps, to prevent child trafficking/sexual abuse in the workplace.

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