Four-Year Snapshot of Sex Trafficking in Las Vegas, NV

Dominique Roe-Sepowitz, MSW, PhD; Kristen Bracy, MA, MSW; Kimberly Hogan, MA, MSW & Bandak Lul, MA | September 20 | 1:30-2:30 PM | Room 2584

Topic: Research | Knowledge Level: Intermediate, Advanced

In partnership with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD), the Arizona State University Office of Sex Trafficking Intervention Research (ASU STIR) developed a research plan to explore and analyze sex trafficking case files from 2013 to 2016. This study allowed for an inside look at the development of VICE cases and case actions. These files included police reports, records of interviews of alleged sex traffickers, interviews of

alleged sex trafficking victims, and case-related information including evidence collected and case update notes by LVMPD staff. The purpose of the study is to explore the efforts of law enforcement in identifying and investigating incidents of sex trafficking in Las Vegas, and to identify trends and patterns that might inform future research or practice. Findings include trends in the sex trafficking of minors and adults, including recruitment methods, transportation of victims, place of origin, elements of force, fraud and coercion, gang involvement, and criminal histories of the traffickers. Trafficker typology will also be discussed, as well as patterns in trafficker criminal histories and tactics. In addition, this information will help to establish a baseline of knowledge regarding the details of sex trafficking of minors and adults in Las Vegas, NV, with which to develop recommendation for future research, as well as policy implications and practice implications.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss trends in sex trafficking of minors and adults in Las Vegas, NV.

·  Present findings on trends of trafficker tactics including recruitment, transportation, entrapment, gang involvement, and criminal histories.

·  Explore future research, policy implications, practice implications.

About the Presenters