Serving Human Trafficking Survivors: Collaboration & Immigration

Elizabeth M. Donovan, JD | September 20 | 10:15-11:15 AM | Room 2592

Topic: Legal, Law Enforcement | Knowledge Level: Intermediate, Advanced

Drawing on years of experience representing survivors of sex and labor trafficking, this presentation will address collaboration among law enforcement, prosecutors, immigration attorneys, government agencies, and non- governmental organizations in identifying, rescuing, and providing services to survivors of sex and labor trafficking; immigration options available to undocumented survivors, including non-immigrant visas, derivative visas, permanent residence, and citizenship; and the importance of a trauma-informed and culturally-sensitive approach.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss the importance of collaboration among law enforcement, prosecutors, immigration attorneys, and government and non-government agencies.

·  Describe special challenges and unique options for undocumented immigrant survivors of sex trafficking and labor trafficking.

·  Explain what it means to employ a trauma-informed and culturally-sensitive approach.

About the Presenter