Sarah Brenes, JD

Sarah Brenes is the Director of the Refugee & Immigrant Program at The Advocates for Human Rights.  The mission of The Advocates is to implement international human rights standards to promote civil society and reinforce the rule of law. Through research, advocacy, and direct representation, The Advocates and its volunteers assist refugees seeking asylum, immigrant detainees facing deportation, and human trafficking survivors.

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2017Anna SchrammSarah Brenes
Lawrence C. Faulkner

Lawrence C. Faulkner is an up and coming artist from Toledo, Ohio, with four successful exhibitions under his belt. He focuses on art as a whole instead of one particular medium or style, aiming to depict the freeness that was given to him and other artists.

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Mike Todd

Mike Todd is a self-taught abstract artist from the urban scene in Cincinnati, Ohio. His works are often accompanied by words in poem form and/or unprocessed thoughts. When he is not painting, he is actively working in social services, mentoring at-risk youth, and working to reduce gun violence.

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2017Anna SchrammMike Todd
Mayoree Scott

Mayoree Scott is 7th grade student at the School of Creative and Performing Arts in Cincinnati, Ohio in the Vocal Arts Program. She is a self-taught artist and draws inspiration from her thoughts and emotions, as well as trending topics in the news.

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2017Anna SchrammMayoree Scott
Bowling Green High School Students

The exhibit is a collaboration by the Bowling Green High School art teachers Mr. Leonard, Mrs. Myers, and Mr. Triggs and their students. Eric Leonard teaches sculpture and ceramics; Nicole Myers teaches printmaking and metals; and Lloyd Triggs teaches drawing and painting. The three art teachers share students throughout the year.

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2017Anna SchrammBGHS
Johanna McDaniel

Johanna McDaniel studied Psychology and Art at the University of New England and is in her second year of The University of Toledo’s Master of Social Work Program. She strives to combine her love of art and her passion for social justice.

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Maxwell Cleary, MSW

Maxwell Cleary is a Literature-Creative Writing undergraduate major who obtained his Master of Social Work degree from the University of Toledo. Max was an assistant poetry editor for Border Crossing. His most recent work is with Issue Box Theatre, an organization in Toledo focused on education about social justice issues. Max works as a hospice social worker in the Toledo area community.

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Tary Blair

Tary Blair (born Tim Blair) began life struggling to survive. That struggle became more intense when her father began a reign of child sexual abuse. After Tary’s spouse of 31 years completed suicide, Tary began her own quest to end her life. After being diagnosed with cancer, Tary fights with every breath to survive, but her message is one of freedom and hope.

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2017Anna SchrammTary Blair